Advocacy Center
The DPI Advocacy Center of Persons with Disabilities was established in 1995. DPI-Japan funded it to respond to infringement of personal rights.
All advocators are persons with disabilities in this center and consult with clients from the point of view of a person with a disability. (Mainly in Tokyo)
Do not think you are alone, please let us hear your voice.
In most discriminatory cases, people discriminate against persons with disabilities unconsciously. People think that discriminations are inevitable and what is worse, people treat those cases as a if there are caused by the selfishness of people with disabilities.
Can you truly say it selfish if you express yourself when someone discriminates against you because of your disability?
When you are facing unsolved problems, you may be able to calm down yourself and make people realize that they are being discriminatory by consulting sessions with third person.
Anybody in hardships regarding the rights of persons with disabilities can consult with us, even on a small single issue.
All personal information gathered during the consultation will remain confidential and secure.
現在位置:ホーム > Advocacy Center