About Us
Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI-Japan) was funded 1986 as a national organization of Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI). As of April 2023, 91 organizations of various types of disabilities including physical, intellectual, psycho-social or intractable diseases, are allied with us. We gather the voices of people with disabilities at the grassroots and engage in policy advocacy activities to reflect them in national policies.
What’s New!

Oct 2024 New compensation law for former Eugenic Protection Act victims
- A bill to compensate all victims of forced sterilization has been passed by the Japanese parliament. Photo taken by Yuseiren: On 8 October 2024, at the press conference by plaintiffs, lawyers and Yuseiren (suppoters), Mr Niizato, co-chair of the lawyers' group is making a speech On 8 October 2024,the Act on Payment of Compensation, etc. to Persons who have undergone Eugenic Sterilization, etc. based on the former Eugenic Protection Act (the new Compensation Act) was passed, which provides compensation for persons who were forced to undergo sterilization or abortion due to disability or other reasons under the Eugenic Protection Act. On the same day, prior to the passage of the... Read more
Event:17th Oct “Let’s move forward with de-institutionalization”
- On the 17th October 2023 we will held a gathering at the Diet Members' Office Building, Tokyo, Japan. The event is titled “Let's move forward with de-institutionalization based on the CRPD recommendations ~ How to build inclusive communities without relying on residential institutions ~", https://www.dpi-japan.org/blog/events/231017-sir-robert-martin/ 1. Purpose The first constructive dialogue between the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Government of Japan was held in Switzerland August 2022, and the concluding observations were issued by the CRPD in October 2022. In the recommendations, two urgent issues were raised as areas requiring immediate attention: transition from residential institutions to local communities; and inclusive education. While de-institutionalization... Read more
This year 2021 marks five years since the “Sagamihara killing of disabled people”
- This year 2021 marks five years since the "Sagamihara killing of disabled people" occurred on 26 July 2016, in which people residing at Tsukui Yamayurien in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, were attacked, claiming 19 precious lives and seriously injuring 26 others. With the growing sense of stagnation in Japan, partly due to the Corona 19 pandemic that began in 2020, there has been no end to hate speech and hate crimes against minorities, including people with disabilities. On the fifth anniversary of the incident, we must remember the regret of each victim and continue the fight against eugenics to ensure that a similar incident never happens again. We also pledge... Read more
The compensation of the Eugenic Protection Act in Japan
- (Photo: Ms.Chizuko SASAKI ) (Past) Ms. Chizuko SASAKI (佐々木千津子,1947-2013) with cerebral palsy was a member of CIL Tego-s which is one of the member organizations of DPI-Japan. Chizuko was one of 25,000 victims of forced sterilization under the former Eugenic Protection Law (1948-1996) which forced sterilization surgeries on people with hearing, vision, physical, intellectual, psychosocial and other disabilities and other persons who were considered as having disabilities. Chizuko's uterus had been irradiated with cobalt 60 when she was 20 years old as a condition for entering into an institution. The fight that Chizuko and other women started more than 20 years ago finally got some recognition by the Japan government... Read more