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Representatives of DPI member organiz ations in North-East Asia Sub-Region

2014-07-09 International Cooperation

Between June 12, 2014 -June 15, 2014, Representatives of DPI member organizations in North-East Asia Sub-Region got together in Shizuoka, Japan. Participants from Korea, China, Mongolia and Japan reported the current situation,
challenges of persons with disabilities in each country and future plan of each organization. At the end of the meeting, the Shizuoka Declaration was adopted and we reassured the union of persons with disabilities in Northeast Asia and decided to have a next meeting in China in 2016.
Please refer to the Report.


Picture1:Representatives of 4 countries gathered


Picture2:Courtesy Vsit to Deputy Governor
Shizuoka Declaration(WORDPDF)
Meeting Report(WORDPDF)


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